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- Easy Banker V1.0 ©1989 Patrick Goudeau
- UnderSea World Software 27-Feb-89
- Docs revised: 27-Feb-89
- Boring stuff:
- This program is NOT public domain, nor Shareware. The author (me!)
- retains all rights. Easy Banker is Copyrighted, therefore it may not be
- sold by anyone without my permission. This program may be distributed
- freely as long as all the files in the archive accompany it.
- Easy Banker V1.0
- Easy Banker V1.0 keeps track of your Checking Account while remaining easy
- to use! When loading the program for the first time, make sure that the
- current directory is the one that you want the data file to be in. Upon
- loading Easy Banker, it looks in the current directory for for the datafile,
- and if it can't find it there, it will create a new one. Its best if the
- datafile is on disk and NOT in ram, as this datafile will continue to grow
- when inputing transactions.
- After Easy Banker has finished loading and is now running, you will see 10
- gadgets. In clockwise order (starting at CHANGE CURRENT BALANCE) they are:
- If you have loaded Easy Banker for the first time, click on the CHANGE
- CURRENT BALANCE gadget and input the current or starting balance that you
- will be using. This should be done upon starting a new checking account.
- After you have done this, there is no other setup to do. You may then start
- using Easy Banker to keep track of your records.
- Once you have started your account using the CHANGE CURRENT BALANCE, the
- remaining selections should now be used:
- Click on this gadget when you have received your monthly statement from your
- bank. A requester will pop up asking you to enter the ending balance from
- your statement. Hit OK to accept the value that you input for the ending
- balance. Then, on the top half of the screen, you will see a transaction
- printed, and you will be asked if this is on your statement. If it is, type
- "Y" for yes, if not, type "N" for no. Easy Banker will keep asking you this
- for each transaction that you entered until it reaches the end of the datafile.
- If the Easy Banker balance matches that of your adjusted bank statement, it
- will tell you "CONGRATULATIONS! Your checking account balances." If your
- adjusted bank statement and your Easy Banker balance do not match, you will
- see the differences. Then you must find your mistake and take whatever steps
- are neccessary to correct it. SEE EDITOR.
- Clicking on this gadget will display your transactions 5 at a time, then
- prompt you to continue or not. If there are less than 5 displayed, or there
- are no more transactions, you will have 5 seconds to read them, then the
- window will clear and the ABOUT information will be displayed.
- Clicking on this gadget will let you enter transactions that are DEPOSITS
- which are to be added to your account. First is the deposit number. If you
- do not have a deposit number, just hit RETURN and go to the Date. When
- entering the date, it must be entered in the format of: 012689 which is
- 01-26-89 . You will then be asked for the description. Enter anything that
- you want. You are allowed up to 25 characters for the description. Finally,
- you are asked to enter the AMOUNT. Please be carefull when entering this.
- The amount must NOT be entered with a decimal. For example: if you wanted to
- enter the amount of $55.73 you would type 5573. The last 2 digits are
- automatically placed after the decimal for you. Finally, when all data is
- entered correctly, hit the OK gadget. If you attempt to hit the OK gadget
- without entering an amount the requester will not go away until you enter
- an amount, or you hit the CANCEL gadget.
- Clicking on this gadget will let you enter transactions that are WITHDRAWALS
- which are to be subtracted from your account. Entering this information is the
- same as the process for entering data for a DEPOSIT.
- This exits the program.
- This will display the ABOUT info which is displayed upon loading of the
- program.
- This will display the current month of the current year, with the current
- day highlighted. If the SYSTEM time and date are incorrect, this will not be
- displayed accurately.
- This will print all of the transactions that you have entered to your
- printer; if you have one.
- This will allow you to EDIT the last transaction that was inputed. Entering
- this information is the same as the process for entering data for a DEPOSIT
- and a WITHDRAWAL. Easy Banker will automatically update your current balance
- if there is a change in the amount for the last transaction entered.
- This program was written in Benchmark Modula-2. I would like to thank
- the following people, who in one way or the other, helped me to finish
- this program:
- Mark Lanoux who gave me programming tips, help, suggestions.
- Paul Trauth who drew the great icon, gadgets, and software logo.
- Thanx Paul!
- If you wish to thank me, gripe, complain, give money, etc, I can be
- reached at the following address:
- Patrick Goudeau
- 5328 Ehret Rd
- Marrero, LA 70072 USA
- Or you can leave me mail on Genie: P.GOUDEAU
- This program can be found on our board, UnderSea World BBS (504)-341-5323.
- 24 hours a day, 7 days week at 1200/2400 baud
- Other great(?) software from UnderSea World Software:
- SafeBoot -- Allows owners of commercial disks with special
- V2.4a boot code on them to save the boot block.
- This boot block can then be restored to your
- disk if a boot block virus infects your disks
- rendering them useless.
- FT -- Stands for Format Type; this little utility
- V1.0 will help you remember what type of format
- a floppy disk is IF you are using FFS on
- your floppies. Yes, this can be done, using
- another PD program AutoDiskChange which
- can be found on most all the nets. FT will
- print a little message in a small Workbench
- window telling you what the format type of
- each disk in your drives are as they are
- inserted.
- V1.0 -- CVT ( i.e. ConVerT ) allows the user to change
- specified bytes in a file to any byte that
- you specify. The byte pairs (original value and
- the new value) are read in from an ASCII script
- file and CVT can handle files of any size.
- This is useful in translating text files from
- PETASCII - C64 ASCII - Ed (and even to
- ATASCII..if you really have to?!).
- SmallMem -- This one's real simple: SmallMem displays
- V2.0 available CHIP/FAST ram in a small WorkBench
- window. SmallMem is only 804 bytes and
- therefore has VERY little overhead, both in
- memory and disk space!
- (end of plug)